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Trust: your greatest advantage of all
■ Seventy-four per cent of small business owners say the main reason they chose their current advisor is because he or she is “someone I trust to act in my best interest” — a result that’s well ahead of professional qualifications and product offerings.
■ Fifty-two per cent have worked with at least one other advisor in the past. When asked why that relationship ended, loss of trust was the main reason.
■ Small business owners meet an average of 3.3 times with their advisor before buying their first product, and it takes an average of 14 months for a second purchase.
The 2014 Manulife Small Business Research Report shows that advisors who invest the time and effort required to establish, grow and retain trust are most likely to enjoy lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with their clients. Upon that foundation, you can build creative, responsive solutions for their personal, business and employees’ financial needs.
Read the research and gather tactical tips at

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