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IF I HAD SOUGHT AN ADVISOR AFTER I graduated school, I would’ve failed. I had limited  nancial knowledge and, though I wanted investment guidance, I didn’t know where to look.
As a student, I’d amassed signi cant debt and depended partially on my parents for support after graduation, since it took a couple of years to kick- start my career and stabilize my income. Given my  nancial status, I  gured few advisors would’ve had patience to take me on.
Turns out I wasn’t the only one needing help. A 2009 Statistics Canada survey and quiz sought to determine Canadians’  nancial knowledge levels. The average score was 67%.
This needs to change. Up to now, efforts to boost  nancial literacy have been championed by disparate groups, including the Financial Liter- acy Action Group, a collection of seven national associations that promote  nancial education, jobs training and entrepreneurship.
While these groups have made headway by hosting Financial Literacy Month, more can be done. Provincial control of educational issues means little has been done to standardize learning initiatives nationwide, for example.
Since 2012, Ontario has been required to include  nancial literacy in its curriculum from grades 4 to 12, says Jane Rooney, who was recently appointed national Financial Literacy Leader. Different approaches are being taken in Alberta, New Brunswick and Quebec.
To promote  nancial literacy, Rooney’s head- ing a steering committee that’s pledged to help educate targeted groups, starting with seniors, low-income earners, new immigrants and youth. Her appointment is signi cant since this is the
 rst time there has been a dedicated forum that pools the experience of like-minded national organizations. But a 15-member cap on Rooney’s committee means there are gaps in representation. The committee includes members of the Financial Planning Standards Council, the AMF, OSC, CPA Canada and Canadian Bankers Association, but representatives from regulatory and certi cation bodies such as IIROC, MFDA, FSCO and CRA, are missing.
Fifteen, Rooney says, “is a good number in terms of getting feedback, but not so big that you can’t come to a consensus.” There was an open application process, but she wanted all sectors and priority groups equally represented.
That said, “members have two-year terms, so we’ll have the opportunity to look at the commit- tee again.”
In the meantime, groups such as CRA partic- ipate on another government committee, which includes 50 participants representing all govern- ment departments and branches.
So Rooney’s established subcommittee rela- tionships to gain insights on people’s  nancial, investment and tax challenges. And, groups such as Advocis and FPSC are sharing what industry training is currently provided to advisors, and how they learn about client communication and edu- cation. Provided she keeps these relationships, her committee can avoid duplicating existing literacy mandates. It’ll also highlight areas where regula- tors currently fall short of serving investors.
Enhancing  nancial literacy is a long-term challenge, but if the industry and federal govern- ment work together effectively, the gaps between Canadians’ needs and the help advisors can offer will close. AE
University graduates (■) and those with household incomes above $95,000
(■) had average  nancial knowledge scores of 73% and 71%, respective- ly. Comparatively, people from below-median- (■) and median-income (■) households scored 62% and 67%, respectively.
University graduates
$95,000-plus income
Median-income earners
Below-median- income earners
Source: 2009 Canadian Financial Capability Study
Katie Keir is assistant editor, Advisor Group. Reach her at or on Twitter @KatieKeir.
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