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                                                                                                 Financial Horizons Group is committed to independent advisors and their communities.
Trevor prides himself on having regular face-to-face contact with each of his clients in order to get to know them on a personal level and build trust. He’s seen technology bring incredible changes in terms of clients accessing financial information online and continues to take an education-first approach. When it comes to helping clients understand what’s reliable and reasonable, Watters says, “education is key.” Recognizing that many people get nervous when it comes to finances, he focuses on clients’ goals, what’s worked in the past, and where they want to be in the future.
Trevor appreciates that Financial Horizons Group keeps a pulse on the industry and
Mentors can have a great impact on your career path and your life, and that’s just what happened with Natasha Brazeau. A dear friend once gave her this empowering advice: “Surround yourself with successful people so you can continuously learn from others and improve in every aspect of your life, both professionally and personally.” These words have stayed with her through the years. Today she lives that advice by seeking out professional development opportunities and is always on the lookout for the opportunity to learn from her peers.
Natasha’s passion towards mentorship extends to her local community. She stays active in women’s business groups and takes opportunities to mentor women whenever possible. It’s often those who have been positively impacted by others who are able and willing to give back.
In her business, Natasha’s focus is to truly understand the financial needs of her clients. “I take pride in being able to offer the best solution to address my clients’ needs – helping them achieve their financial goals for themselves, their families,” she says.
Every client is different. Different goals, different willingness to take risks in the marketplace. As such, a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work. Natasha’s
offers regular training to support current trends. “Working with Financial Horizons Group, I get access to a larger range of wholesalers, companies, specialized products, and tax and legal experts, which is all a huge benefit to my clients,” he says.
He believes that at some point in life, everyone needs someone like him—a voice of experience with a holistic understanding of the financial landscape—and that investing in ongoing training and always making time for a client’s call, yields the greatest return.
What’s next for Watters? He recently announced that his son Lucas has joined the
business to focus on insurance. “Financial Horizons Group has been providing Lucas with excellent training and I’m so proud to be sharing this with him.” The community has already come to know and love Trevor’s French Bulldog, Wolfgang—whose presence in the office quickly earned him the role of company mascot—and now with Lucas joining the team, they’ll have another great reason to drop in and say hello.
  Community Champion | Ottawa, ON / Gatineau, QC
   Natasha Brazeau Coughlin & Associates Ltd.
Success through the value of convenience
             The most important skill – is to listen to your clients
commitment to knowing her clients helps to tailor a customized approach for each of them, at each stage in their life. She remarks, “the most important skill for any financial advisor—whether they specialize in wealth management, insurance or are holistic planners—is to listen to your clients. Ask them questions. Get to know them. Truly hear what they are saying.”
“Since working with Coughlin & Associates, People Corporation and Financial Horizons Group, I have found partners that allow me to offer the best options to my clients, access to tools and expertise. They help me to support the unique needs of my clients. There’s nothing more important.”
As Natasha looks to the future, she sees an ever changing landscape. Years ago, Natasha had adapted and optimized the use of technology and alternative solutions. Now, clients realize the value of convenience and look to purchase in a similar fashion to Amazon or eBay. Speed and convenience are essential – the use of technology and alternative solutions, both open more doors and create additional business opportunities. One thing will always be paramount, one thing will never change: advisors need to listen to their clients. ■
For more, or to start a conversation, visit
To recognize the commitment of these financial advisors to their communities,
Financial Horizons Group has made a charitable donation in their name. We live where you live.
Profiled individuals are independent advisors and have a broker relationship with Financial Horizons Group
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