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 % 73
of investors believe responsible investment is the future.
Only half know where to find reliable information on it.
Be ready for the opportunity.
We can help.
Leaders in responsible investment.
RBC Ipsos Survey; n = 1500 Canadian investors, August, 2019, accurate to within +/- 2.9 percentage points.
RBC Global Asset Management (RBC GAM) is the asset management division of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) which includes RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBC GAM Inc.), RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc., RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited, RBC Global Asset Management (Asia) Limited, and BlueBay Asset Management LLP, which are separate, but affiliated subsidiaries of RBC.
® / TM Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © RBC Global Asset Management Inc. 2019

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