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                      Kim MacInnis, an Edward Jones financial advisor in Charlottetown, PEI, had a similar experience, welcoming new business
in the spring of 2020 despite market volatility. She attributes this to treating clients as whole people with concerns that go well beyond the financial.
“I’m really interested in people, and I
love to hear their stories. I think now it’s more important than ever to reach out and just talk to people and hear what’s going on in their lives, because everyone has gone through such drastic changes,” she explains. “I’m constantly hearing from my clients that they feel like they’re valued. They feel like they’re appreciated, and they want to do business with me because they feel like what’s important to them is important to the firm.”
She appreciates the webpages
Edward Jones quickly assembled to share “everything coronavirus” internally with advisors and employees and externally with clients. “It’s a trusted source for information,” she explains.
“It has created a sense of comfort for advisors, employees, and clients to
have these resources available.”
That’s not to say the pandemic hasn’t brought with it some unusual challenges. For MacInnis, the biggest change has
been working from home alongside her child, who is also at home while schools are closed. She appreciates that her Branch Office Administrator (BOA) is able to be at the office every day.
“We’re able to follow all provincial, federal, and company guidelines around social distancing, yet we’re still able to work quite normally,” she says.
“My clients can reach out and talk to
my BOA all the time, and they have my cellphone number, so they’re able to contact me as well.”
MacInnis has been using WebEx liberally to review portfolios with her clients, sending them a link to join
an online meeting that lets them see what’s on her computer screen. The goal is for clients to see exactly what they would do if they were meeting with her in her office — but from the comfort and physically distanced safety of their own homes.
“We’re all evolving through this,” she adds, acknowledging the effort all advisors are putting in to adapting to shifting norms.
Every year, J.D. Power conducts a study
of investor satisfaction at 18 full-service investment firms. It evaluates eight factors: the financial advisor, account information, investment performance, firm interaction, product offerings, commissions and fees, information resources, and problem resolution. Edward Jones was the highest ranked firm in 2020, scoring 836 out of 1,000 in overall satisfaction — 46 points above the industry average.
Financial advisors are accustomed to thinking long term, and that may help them visualize life on the other side of COVID-19. Those who are well supported by their firms right now likely have a clearer path forward — but Kim MacInnis feels this is a chance for advisors who aren’t satisfied at their current firms to consider their options.
“It’s a very good opportunity to re-evaluate,” MacInnis says. She suggests advisors ask themselves, ‘Does your firm provide support for you and your clients, allowing you to always do what’s right for them?’
If not, now may be the time to start laying tracks toward a more satisfying future. “Believe in yourself,” says Ian Stock.
“Yes, there’s a risk when transitioning
to another firm, but if you believe you’ll overcome that risk, there are better opportunities out there.”
“Maintaining routines — and that includes maintaining regular contact with our clients — is very reassuring, not only to our clients but to us as well.”
 “Maintaining routines — and that includes maintaining regular contact with our clients — is very reassuring, not only to our clients but to us as well.”—IAN STOCK
          Edward Jones is an equal opportunity employer committed to developing an inclusive culture. We believe diverse ideas, opinions, and perspectives are good for building business.
In Quebec, our Financial Advisors are known as Investment Advisors.
To explore the Edward Jones Opportunity, visit
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› How will you help me through
the transition to your firm?
› How will your technology support me and my clients, and how will I be trained on it?
› What will you do to help ensure the long-term growth of my business?
› How will my transition into retirement
be handled?
            KIM MACINNIS
Financial Advisor Edward Jones
Financial Advisor Edward Jones

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