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  by LISA MacCOLL, an Ontario-based financial writer
Your retiring clients are ready to enjoy the next
stages of their lives. Instead of a watch or a set of per-
sonalized luggage tags, why not give them a gift that shows you pay attention to their interests?
Low cost, medium impact $15/client
If your client is age 55 or older, send her a membership for the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP), which advocates on behalf
of seniors. The association offers discounts on items
like travel, health and pet insurance, fitness member- ships and rental cars. If you purchase online, a basic membership costs $14.95
for one year, or $29.95 for
a membership plus a one- year subscription to Zoomer magazine, a lifestyle publica- tion for seniors.
Medium cost, high impact $93/client
A retiree recently told us the best part of being retired is having no time constraints. So why not give your newly
retired clients tickets to a matinee theatre perform- ance? Mid-week tickets are less expensive, and matinees don’t usually sell out. Two tickets to see Titanic: The Musical in Toronto, starring Canadian superstar tenor Ben Heppner, will cost $93 per person for the best seats in the house on a Wednesday afternoon. Evening tickets for the same seats are $107 per person.
Medium cost, high impact $180/client
Most people have a secret interest they’d like to explore, whether it’s cake decorating, wine tasting, furniture restoration or learning another language. Community colleges offer a wide range of courses for all interests. For instance, basic cake decorating at Algon-
quin College in Ottawa
costs $179.60 for a four-week course. A two-day moccasin making class at Carlton Trail College in Humboldt, Sask., costs $75.
High cost, high impact $1,938/client
Treat your clients to a dream getaway. A Tuesday to Sat- urday stay at the Bellagio in
Las Vegas, Nev., including return flight from Toronto, costs about $924 per per- son. The same trip costs about $1,017 for a Thursday to a Monday. There’s also the option of a cruise. Five nights on Royal Caribbean’s Brilliance of the Seas costs around $1,938 per person for a room with a balcony (price doesn’t include return flight to Tampa, Fla.). AE
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