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                         Nova Scotia ExportAbility Program
The program provides training and support for small and medium businesses in Nova Scotia to expand export opportunities. The purpose is to increase the knowledge of companies that are act- ively exporting, or those that want to export.
How much is available:
A minimum of $150, or 75% of the cost of a training course, to a maximum of $4,000 per applicant, per year.
Eligible costs include course or workshop registration fees, official course materials (if not included in registration fee), and exam fees.
Ineligible costs include meals, accommodations or transportation expenses (including parking), and PST, GST/HST and VAT.
This program is for businesses registered
in Nova Scotia, or that have a Nova Scotia-based subsidiary. Programs must be for accredited trade training, such as by the Forum for International Trade Training.
› The applicant’s employer must possess, manufacture or produce an internationally tradable product, service, technology or intellectual property.
› A written international business develop- ment strategy may be required.
› A completed application form must be sent to the program administrator prior to regis- tering for the training or course.
An international business development plan must be submitted with the application. This can take time to research and develop.
Cost to apply:
No direct costs. Indirect costs include researching international markets and preparing an international business development plan.
Advisor commitment:
Minimal. Provide support and financial statements to complete international business development plan.
Where to apply:
The Nova Scotia Department of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism. Appli- cations and program guidelines are available at ExportAbility/
Additional details:
Projects that have received, or will receive, a financial contribution through another federal or provincial government program are not eligible. Complete details can be found in the program guidelines. AE

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