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What do spinoffs,
restructurings and
index deletions
have in common?
Introducing Fidelity
Event Driven Opportunities Fund
■ Corporate events such as mergers and acquisitions, spinoffs and restructurings can result in meaningful investment opportunities which are often overlooked.
■ Fidelity’s global research network and investment expertise can help you capitalize on the potential of these investments through Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund.
Ask your Fidelity
Opportunity has no borders.
Read a fund’s prospectus and consult your financial advisor before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed; their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Investors will pay management fees and expenses, may pay commissions or trailing commissions and may experience a gain or loss.
An event-driven investment strategy attempts to benefit from corporate events that can result in mispricing of a company’s stock. The Fund invests primarily in securities that the portfolio manager believes are of good fundamental value and which may be involved in one of the following types of corporate events: (i) companies involved in a corporate reorganization, such as a spinoff or merger; (ii) companies that are no longer eligible to be a component of a market index; (iii) companies that are undergoing changes in beneficial ownership; (iv) companies experiencing positive fundamental change; (v) companies undergoing changes in corporate strategy through bankruptcy; and (vi) companies involved in changes to their capital structure. The Fund does not engage in short selling.
© 2014 FMR LLC. All rights reserved. Fidelity Investments is a registered trademark of FMR LLC. 707467.1.0

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